Tuesday, December 4


i remember waking up on the first of december last year and thinking: this is the month in which little imp will be born. december will now always be that month for me. but from this year on, december is also a crazy month (and a month for crafts, which i love). first there's sinterklaas, a dutch festive day celebrated with poems and presents. and now we're getting ready for little imp's birthday. here are twenty-six packets of raisins dressed up as green and blue birds, diligently made for the children at day care. and that's only the first week of this crazy month...


  1. 26?! ik had maar 14...
    ze zijn wel zoooo schattig, wil je volgend jaar ook die van E maken? ;-)

    1. ja hoor, ik heb nu de smaak te pakken :)
      ik had er ook wel een paar over, die heb ik maar achtergelaten voor de broertjes en zusjes...
